Sunday, February 1, 2015


Last night our Kaitygirl went to her first school dance.  I typically ask our kids "what do we expect" before we go places so that behavior expectations are clear.  I know, fun righ?  We were talking about her dance and she was all giggly and excited.  It was a 20 minute drive and we were about half way in and I just asked "So kiddo, what do we expect?" Without missing a beat she rattled off the following:

You expect me to stand and sit like a lady.
You expect me to dance appropriately.
And what does that mean baby?
Keep my booty in check and not to make others uncomfortable with my dancing.
You expect me to respect authority.
You expect me to be kind and think of others feelings.
You expect me to say please and thank you.
You expect me to not be mean to others.
You expect me to have fun.

In a nutshell my 13 yr old summed up how to behave in life.  I didn't cry although my eyes filled with tears.  I didn't say anything really....I just nodded and she continued to sing along to the radio.   If you've seen my sweet girl dance then you'll understand our "keep your booty in check" comments.  She's got rhythm and funk and feels the music deep, yo!  I am so thankful for my sweet baby.  I love that having fun was the last shouldn't trump thinking of others.

There are days that I stumble all over our parenting plan.  I fall short and come up empty.  Tonight reassured me that there are far more good days than empty ones.  That even though I feel inept at times our lessons are being heard and learned. 

Such a beautiful conversation in the midst of the madness that spoke so deeply to me.   

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