Saturday, February 20, 2010

I have strange children. I have known this for quite some time and really am not all that shocked considering, I mean look at their parents. Today Kaity and I spent the afternoon together and needed to stop and get groceries on our way home. We walked through the aisles and selected what we needed and suddenly I notice her walking with a little pep in her step. She is helping me pick things up and load them into the cart. Complimenting me on my selections. We walk towards the check out and she asks "Have I been good enough to get to check out?" That strange child had been extra good so she could scan the groceries at the self check out. She originally wanted to scan them, bag them, pay for them and then push the cart to the van. She settled for all but bagging. It took a few extra minutes but she felt so grown up. She even ran the cart back to front of the store and I drove up to pick her up. She climbed into her seat and sunk back into it with a sigh and said 'man, i rock being a grown up!"

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