Saturday, February 27, 2010

Ilemay Onestay Eachedray

I enjoy Kaity and Joshua playing together anytime but I love the imagination involved when they play in the van. Yesterday we were heading home and they were trying to decide how to play a word game. Kaity is a full blown reader and if you ask Joshua he is too. Yesterday they decided to play letter slide, you pick a word and then move a letter out and slide the others together to make a new word. Kaity picked first, "slide" was her word. then you take out then "l" and have "side". She had this sing songy beat to the whole thing that made it even more fun than mere words can convey. Joshua was on deck and ready to play so as soon as his sister was finished.
"GO, you take the 'guh' away and you slide it all together and all you have is 'oh' "
He was BEAMING that he had not only caught the concept but rocked out a totally awesome turn. I could see Kaity in the kid mirror (by far my favorite feature of my van, it's a mirror that is always trained on the back seat so I can look at the kids and we can have a conversation or I can give them THE LOOK w/o having to swerve and try to owl swivel my head) and her look was completely opposite of Joshua. He was proud and she had utter disdain on her face...with a little confusion. Maybe he hadn't understood how to play this game after all. I could see the destination of this game and it was not pretty.






She looked puzzled then the lightbulb went off..... esyay!




Ohhhhhhhh......Ya know Joshy I love the way your brain works. That was a good one.

Whew, crisis averted! That was a close one. Then I realized my baby girl just spoke pig latin. Not a very impressive first foreign language but it surely marks a rite of passage.

"Oh and Ommay, anksthay" she smiles from the backseat.

I couldnt help smiling back, my baby is not so baby!

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