Tuesday, February 26, 2008

High Fructose Corn Syrup

it's everywhere.....in everything....okay not EVERYthing but in a LOT of things. I've been noticing it more and hearing more about how the constant ingesting of it is a major cause of obesity. I haven't done a lot of research but I'm about 85% certain that for the next 2 wks (as i only grocery shop for 2 wks at a time) we are going to try to completely remove it from our house. I know it is going to take some convincing the other people in the house. I admit I'm a poptart for breakfast mom and that will have to change. We dont drink things with hfcs since we are mainly water, milk and iced tea drinkers. I am eager to see how many places it's hidden and I think it will be a great learning tool for the children.

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